The Lawn - Tuesday after classes - 4/1

Apr 01, 2008 16:17

He didn't mind the crazy little old men poking at him, telling jokes and making fun at him. Mostly, it just made him feel like he was back at Kiamo Ko minus the chores.

...but the falling dessert.

What a waste! And, as he discovered when one of them fell right on his head earlier in the day, they were delicious! He didn't know what they were supposed to be, but he'd have to figure it out so he could make some. And for some reason, they were falling from the sky and onto the ground! It was a tragedy!

Eventually, he'd come up with a not so brilliant plan.

This, as one might guess if they knew all the thought behind it, was why Liir was outdoors, staring up at the sky with a wide platter in his hands, trying to catch a dessert.

[open, as you might have guessed]

liir thropp, grounds

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