First Floor Lobby - All Day

Oct 04, 2007 08:06

Today Meg was the student council representative behind the voting table. She had handwavily bought coffee and doughnuts and had them sitting beside the old yearbooks and pictures from past Fandom events.

There were clipboards with sign up sheets for the carnival and a voting box for Homecoming court.

Meg had a cup of coffee in her hand and was flipping though an old yearbook, making sure to skip past any pages that had mention of a certain blonde detective.

[OCD coming up! Each student can nominate two boys and two girls from their class for the Homecoming Court. The voting on the finalists will go up Thursday night and the Court will be announced at the dance.]

meg manning, peter pevensie, peter petrelli, lobby, dean winchester, cassandra cain, 1st floor lobby, wyatt halliwell

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