After putting off homework as long as possible, Ron figured he could push it even further by investigating the common room and trying to figure out this Tee-Vee thing he'd heard about
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Cedric found himself down one floor and found that yelling vaguely familiar. He followed it and found he'd been right. And now he wondered if Harry'd told Ron about him or not.
"Yeah," Ron said still kind of staring at Cedric in weird way. "Harry told me you were here and Hermione said that there was a bunch strange time line stuff."
Ron nodded. "It's probably pretty weird to have everyone tell you that you're dead," he said in a pretty lame way. "But look at it this way, now Harry isn't the only boy who lived!"
"I'll have to ask him then," Cedric decided. "He was pretty surprised to see me when I saw him the other day. I might wait a few days before stealing his title."
"That would be almost all of it," Cedric told him. "I did actually die but that was changed when Dumbledore used a time turner to go back to just before the third task of the Triwizard Tournament and order me away from Hogwarts. I've only been back once since."
"Of all people you had to see, I'm sorry to hear it was Snape," Ron said rolling his eyes. "Though I guess with how your death being linked to Voldemort's reappearance it would kind of discredit Harry and Dumbledore if you suddenly showed up."
Best to find out, he guessed. "I know you."
"Hey Cedric," Ron said after a moments pause or two. "It's... um. Good to see you. Harry said you were here."
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