The Roof; Early Monday Evening.

Aug 20, 2007 16:33

Ahh, yes, the roof. Excellent place to paint; even better place to think and try to work things out for A.J. It was always where he went at Empire, after all, and, while there wasn't a big neon sign to tinker with, there was an excellent view. Last night had ended...pretty well, and Superhero class was a fun distraction, and then A.J. tried to work a bit on a project, but couldn't focus. He had to try to figure out this whole Troy thing.

But the more he thought about it, the more impossible it seemed. Because while he liked what he had with Troy a lot, he didn't think he really wanted the something more that Troy seemed to want. In fact, the only person he could even begin to imagine something like that with was Corey...

But what could he tell Troy? Nothing, apparently, that A.J. wasn't going to say to himself first, because he was sitting there, talking to himself as he tried to figure it out.

"I still need more time, Troy," he tried, then grunted, shaking his head. "Yeah, right, that's only going to work for so..." He tried again. "Okay, so, Troy." He steeled himself to the imaginary image in front of him of his roommate. "You know, like, when they come out with a new flavor of ice cream, and you really like that new flavor, but there's an old classic that you can't stop going back to..."

"Ice cream? What the hell is my fixation with ice cream? Okay, no ice cream. Or maybe...because it's more like you just need time before the new flavor can be like the class-- Ugh, no, that's stupid. So maybe..."

"Paintings. Like modern art versus classical...yeah, there we go..."

A.J. gave another disgusted grunt. "That's stupid, too. God...maybe..."

He was going to be at this for a while probably...

[[ open like an open thing ]]

haku, billy, a.j., annette hargrove, roof

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