Fourth Floor Common Room, Evening

Jul 15, 2007 20:03

Isabel had reached returned from the clinic with the idea of geting a few hours of decent sleep. Unfortunately she'd reaced the point of being so over-tired that she couldn't sleep. So she wandered out to the common room to stare at the TV.

Extreme Home Makeover probably wasn't the greatest choice, but she was too tired to go look for the

isabel evans, troy bolton, ronan nolan, 4th floor common room, willow rosenberg, anemone, johnny storm, a.j., john sheppard

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willbedone July 16 2007, 01:06:21 UTC
Willow came in looking fretty. "Hey Isabel."


izzyalienqueen July 16 2007, 01:10:50 UTC
Isabel raised a hand in a limp wave. "Hey Willow. How was your weekend?"


willbedone July 16 2007, 01:12:23 UTC
"More reptilian than anticipated," Willow said. "Yours?"


izzyalienqueen July 16 2007, 01:14:47 UTC
"Same here, with a nice dose of clinic time for a change of pace," she said. "Things better be back to normal tomorrow or I'm going to be cranky."


willbedone July 16 2007, 01:15:33 UTC
Now Willow looked worried. "Oh no! Are you okay?"


izzyalienqueen July 16 2007, 01:19:07 UTC
"I'm fine," Isabel assured her. "Peter, Steve Peter, that is, is battered, bruised and out cold for no apparent reason."


willbedone July 16 2007, 01:21:55 UTC
"He wasn't near any of the dinosaurs?" Willow asked.


izzyalienqueen July 16 2007, 01:27:25 UTC
"He was a dino soccer ball for a short while," she explained, biting her lip a bit. "But Dr. Wilson says there no reason for him to be unconscious. So it's just a matter of playing the waiting game."

"How's your Peter?"


willbedone July 16 2007, 01:29:47 UTC
"Hopefully okay," Willow said. "I haven't seen him yet today so I'm hoping he didn't do anything knightly and stupid."


izzyalienqueen July 16 2007, 01:32:21 UTC
"Hopefully not," Isabel replied with a small smile. "Because then you'd have to be scarier then the dinosaurs."


willbedone July 16 2007, 01:33:50 UTC
"I so would!" Willow said. "He knows he's not allowed to get injured or killed! We have an arrangement."


izzyalienqueen July 16 2007, 01:35:41 UTC
"I think I might need to make a similar arrangement myself," she mused. When he woke up, not if. Because Isabel was still being optimistic.


willbedone July 16 2007, 01:37:24 UTC
"I'm a firm believer," Willow said with a nod. "Boys can be very silly otherwies."


izzyalienqueen July 16 2007, 01:40:44 UTC
"You think?" Isabel asked, smirking a bit. "They need us to keep them in line."


willbedone July 16 2007, 01:43:28 UTC
"It's amazing they've made it this far without us," Willow agreed.


izzyalienqueen July 16 2007, 01:45:32 UTC
"Sheer luck and random chance," she snickered.


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