Second Floor Common Room; Saturday Night.

Mar 11, 2007 00:14

Turtle...was really freakin' bored. All the wetness and water made her really reluctant to want to go outside, and with Miley gone the room was stiffling in its boringness so she went out to the common room and was even bored by TV. It sucked. She still left it on, though, for background noise, and went to make herself a peanut butter and jelly bean sandwich with a big glass of milk to snack on while she sat at the table and intermittantly worked on her creative writing story, a crapload of stocks pattern charts, and a fake treasure map that maybe she'd try to convince someone was real, and that if they went out in the flooded town, all they'd have to do was look for circles of light in these spots and then go fishing to find some sooper sekrit treasure. She...saw something like that in a video game once. All the water was reminding her of it.

[[ you know that thing where you're tired but you can't sleep because you've got way too much energy? Yeah. Here. SO totally open -_- saaave meeee ]]

2nd floor common room, haruhi fujioka, alec, tabitha-ruth wexler

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