We spam the OOC comm interrupt your rare non-event weekend to bring you an unfortunately not so rare update on unhelpful Livejournal shenanigans
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I'd appreciate if you could try to come off less condescending, if you wouldn't mind.
If this is something to be revisited, I certainly don't think it's now, when a handful of people are upset over something that doesn't even negatively affect most of the game. It's premature, for one thing. The fact is, of all the changes that LJ has implemented, there have been workarounds or fixes that I don't even remember what I was complaining about anymore. So what if it takes a little bit of time to work it out? My arguments for staying at LJ haven't changed at all. And considering those fixes and workarounds (all of which the admins were nice enough to go ahead and find so we didn't even have to deal with any of the real annoying stuff), I think it's pointless to debate again on whether to jump ship over something that MIGHT happen in the future.
I also know that that DW/LJ debate was an absolute nightmare for me and the people I spoke to at the time and the last thing I want is to go through it again because of pearl-clutching. The fact is, if we're going to revisit this over something like this, I really don't want my blood pressure to spike all the time over the divide that starts again. So there's that.
In all fairness, give it a week and someone will probably have found some sort of backdoor code that lets people use something similar enough to the admin console in order to add a bunch of people at once, anyhow. After all, there is LJ-Login, and there are plenty of downloadable icon uploaders. I'm still holding my breath on a few of LJ's announced 'improvements,' but I'm willing to wait to see what comes of them before getting too up in arms, even if the constant downloads and workaround codes are getting tiring.
I also remember the last LJ/DW debate, and I'm not in any huge rush to leap back into that can of worms. I'm just not as anxious to flat-out rule it out, either. It still, at least to me, looks like a working platform is sitting just over there, while this one crumbles around us. But if this can be made to work, hey, I'm amenable to that. I am still here after the last time this came up, after all. We all are.
I'm not flat-out ruling it out, but I know it's the last thing I want. And considering the flailing emails I get whenever the subject even comes up, I'm gonna say I'm not alone in it. It's instant anxiety for like everyone and IMO it's not something that should come up every time there's an issue, especially when it might turn out to be totally workable.
I'm really not trying to veto anyone's opinion- though I weirdly sort of appreciate people thinking I have that sort of power- but I'm totally free to express mine, too.
You are totally free to express your opinion, and I apologize if my other comment had suggested otherwise - Emotions are clearly running high on either side of this, and I definitely could have phrased what I had said a little more clearly, rather than leaping to the keyboard and tapping out words grumpily.
I really don't think a 'wanting to bail ship whenever things change' thing is going to be an issue- Lj has pulled a lot of dickery since the last time the DW/LJ debate came up, and while people grumbled, nobody really pushed for a move, again. I'm not suggesting we break out the life preservers and start rowing or anything just yet. I would really like to see, personally, how this does end up affecting the spring apps, and what other changes LJ rolls out along with this, before making any decision either way. I know this negatively affects me (for more than just pearl-clutching reasons, which I mentioned in another thread), but I'm content with the kids I have for the time being, too, and I can't imagine there won't be some sort of workaround by the time I feel the urge to bring more into the game.
I am mildly concerned about whether manually adding hundreds of names will dissuade new people from joining FH entirely, too, but that's another one of those 'only time will tell' things.
The thing is, though, I'm not sure how much spring apps will tell us, either; we've just had four new townies, I know of two apps that are in now, and that usually makes people less prone to apping a student right afterwards. Not to mention spring apps tend to be a little quieter in general. And as for new people joining the game, I can't remember the last time someone new (rather than rejoining after leaving) showed up, so that's also not a good indicator of how things are going.
I think we just need to chill out, sit on it for a little while and see what happens, that's all.
I'm all for chilling and sitting on it. And sulking a bit in the meantime, since I did have a spring app in mind that I'm going to wind up sitting on, at least until I know if there is a workaround for this.
If this is something to be revisited, I certainly don't think it's now, when a handful of people are upset over something that doesn't even negatively affect most of the game. It's premature, for one thing. The fact is, of all the changes that LJ has implemented, there have been workarounds or fixes that I don't even remember what I was complaining about anymore. So what if it takes a little bit of time to work it out? My arguments for staying at LJ haven't changed at all. And considering those fixes and workarounds (all of which the admins were nice enough to go ahead and find so we didn't even have to deal with any of the real annoying stuff), I think it's pointless to debate again on whether to jump ship over something that MIGHT happen in the future.
I also know that that DW/LJ debate was an absolute nightmare for me and the people I spoke to at the time and the last thing I want is to go through it again because of pearl-clutching. The fact is, if we're going to revisit this over something like this, I really don't want my blood pressure to spike all the time over the divide that starts again. So there's that.
I also remember the last LJ/DW debate, and I'm not in any huge rush to leap back into that can of worms. I'm just not as anxious to flat-out rule it out, either. It still, at least to me, looks like a working platform is sitting just over there, while this one crumbles around us. But if this can be made to work, hey, I'm amenable to that. I am still here after the last time this came up, after all. We all are.
I'm really not trying to veto anyone's opinion- though I weirdly sort of appreciate people thinking I have that sort of power- but I'm totally free to express mine, too.
I really don't think a 'wanting to bail ship whenever things change' thing is going to be an issue- Lj has pulled a lot of dickery since the last time the DW/LJ debate came up, and while people grumbled, nobody really pushed for a move, again. I'm not suggesting we break out the life preservers and start rowing or anything just yet. I would really like to see, personally, how this does end up affecting the spring apps, and what other changes LJ rolls out along with this, before making any decision either way. I know this negatively affects me (for more than just pearl-clutching reasons, which I mentioned in another thread), but I'm content with the kids I have for the time being, too, and I can't imagine there won't be some sort of workaround by the time I feel the urge to bring more into the game.
I am mildly concerned about whether manually adding hundreds of names will dissuade new people from joining FH entirely, too, but that's another one of those 'only time will tell' things.
I think we just need to chill out, sit on it for a little while and see what happens, that's all.
... Please let there be a workaround for this.
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