Tired of ever-flowing mead and buxom Viking wenches? No? Too bad, for Fandom Island is, so it's time to start talking about where she'll be bopping around for the rest of the summer.
We've got a number of potential destinations in mind (and a few we're not listing here for plot and surprise value), but we'd like to get your opinion on which ideas you like best, and also hear any additional suggestions you might have.
Feel free to click as many of these options as you like, and the comments are open for additional ideas and discussion! At the end of this week, we'll take a look at which ideas seem the most popular and workable, then start firming up plans for further down the road.
Poll A few limitations for any additional suggestions: the locations do need to be somewhere on Earth, with a nearby body of water in which Fandom (and her furniture-loving spouse, because she ain't going through that crap again) can settle down. They can be in the future or the past, and can even be fictional/legendary, as long as they're said to have existed on Earth.
We would like to stay away from very specific canon settings, though, so people can worry less about whether they're breaking the rules of someone's universe or about to rewrite history if they step on the wrong butterfly. So, for example, Atlantis = cool, Ariel's home of Atlantica = too canon-specific.