Apr 25, 2011 11:32
- Teacher and student apps be clooooooosed, as are workshop applications from current teachers and townies! Thank you for your applications, and we'll be looking forward to an awesome new group of characters and classes as we review.
- Graduation guest applications for seniors are due by this Wednesday, April 27th.
- Summer Plans for all alumni and any students fleeing for any part of the summer are due by this Friday, April 29th. (Our apologies for the mis-typing on the last update list. Those fleeing will need to be off the island by May 6th, but we'll need to know the plans earlier so we can deal with roomies and such.)
- Big Sib/Teaching Buddy sign ups AND sign-ups for New Roomies (for current students who want a random assignment) are due 5/3/11.
- So is cake, because that's my birthday.
summer semester