Apr 12, 2010 12:23
Hey everyone! This is just a heads-up that we're going to be having an open forum this weekend on Saturday the 17th. We realize this is kind of short notice, but the next available weekend after this one is the end of May (busy weekends: FH haz them!) and since it's been a while since the last open forum, we figured sooner would be better than later.
For the new people, here's how it works:
A friends-locked post will go up in this community in the morning (Eastern time) and it will touch on a bunch of topics. Then the post will be open to everyone to make suggestions and raise issues they think should be discussed. There will be OCD to make this easier, of course!
The open forums are a place for people to bounce ideas around and get some discussion going. All we ask is that you be polite and considerate to each other.
After that we'll round up all the issues that have been raised and get to work addressing them!
open forum