...this has got to stop being a habit. Srsly. Next week! On time. Even while I'm on hiatus due to wedding. That's what hotel room wireless is for, isn't it?
Anyway! On with the show.
What kind of shoes do you like best?...I've got this pair of Crocs that aren't really Crocs but they're awesome because they look like real shoes on the
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I'm not PICKY about shoes, really, I just like them to be cute. I have a ton of shoes in fun colors, probably about ten different pairs of black shoes with varying heel size, toe exposure, fabric and so on, one pair of snow boots because I do, in fact, live in the Midwest, and one pair of slippers that look like bumblebees because THEY ARE AWESOME AND ADORABLE.
Relatedishly, I also have this thing about perfectionism and I'm really kind of vain, so I always have my toenails painted. I recently got a REALLY gorgeous pedicure, with dark sort of aubergine-colored polish with little white designs on the big toes, but for the majority of summer I had them black (the upkeep is easier than with a light polish) and I'll probably go back to that after my pedi goes away.
*toddles off to sleep since omgwtf getting up in 5 hours*
And yeah, I totally stayed up too late m'self.
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