Aug 31, 2008 11:38
Since everyone THREADED LIKE MADMEN yesterday, I'm gonna make this simple.
Book recs: things you've read lately, old favorites, things you can't believe aren't represented in the game, whatever you'd like. Tell me what to reeeeeead.
weekly entertainment
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But I have gotten through books in the past! Real ones, with words and everything, honest!
Christopher Golden's Of Saints and Shadows totally ate my brain. Because, really, dark, different twists on vampires are just full of shiny. But not sparkly. That's the wrong series entirely.
I'm a sucker for Richard Adams, too. Watership Down and The Plague Dogs, about cute, fuzzy animals though they may be, were both excellent reads. And I might have cried at the end of Plague Dogs. Shh.
Douglas Adams! Give me some Hitchhikers Guide any day of the week, and there's a book I'll breeze through with ease.
And manga. Because it is shiny. Granted, all I've been reading lately is Genju no Seiza. But it's pretty. So ner. *shakes fist*
I will pick something up, read halfway, and then OO SHINY something else. I have recently grabbed Monster Blood Tattoo as I'm finally done with Tomorrow's Magic (which, OMG, so good, I loved it and how much I want to hug Earl Bedwas must be measured in mega-whatevers). I also have a tendency to start one and then go "...lalala reread something old and familiar." Somehow, reading Elizabeth Bear's Promethean Age books required that I go and read the entirity of the Elenium in the middle.
Christopher Golden? Really? ...I've only ever seen him do crappy novelizations. But I'm always willing to give people another shot and I love twists on vampires. *hugs Night Watch, etc to her chest*
Never read Adams.
...I know, I'm a heathen.
What's Genju no Seiza? *is all curious*
ETA: The Watership Down stuff, not Douglas! *HEARTS DOUGLAS ADAMS* *...pops in Key To Time arc now just because she feels the need to*
Genju no Seiza is by the same person who did Petshop of Horrors, and it is pretty. Also, it's about a kid who grows up to find out that he's some sort of high priest to a country that's somewhat on the elusive side, and there are animal-god guardians, and issues. The kid has issues. But there is shiny ( ... )
*goes to read*
Just got to catch up on it, now!
*sits down, shuts up*
Reply this is not so odd.
You know, I haven't read any of his non-Hitchhiker stories. But if you rec me some titles, I'll add them to my list. It isn't a terribly long list. Yet. :)
Dirk Gently and Tea Time, by the way? They're like giant Rube Goldberg machines. I swear, every single detail of those books eventually matters in the climax. They're seriously masterful, and the reason why I hold Adams up as the sort of author I aspire to be.
Thanks for the recs!
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