Here are the tags for this session's workshops. If you taught the same class last session, your tag didn't change.
Accelerated Scouting = scouting
Applied Ethics = ethics
Cackling and More: An Introduction to Being a Mad Scientist = intro to mad scientist
Creatures of Nature = creatures of nature
Dealing With Stupid People = stupid people
Dealing With the Opposite Sex = opposite sex
Firearms and You = firearms
Flight and Flying = flight and flying
How to be a Comic Book Superhero = how to be a superhero
How to be Awesome = how to be awesome
How to Blow Things Up... = blow things up
Interdisciplinary Studies = interdisciplinary studies
Patriotism Yay = patriotism
Pie for Beginners = pie
Potpourri = potpourri
Practical Applications = practical applications
Redemption: What a Crock = redemption
Sanitary Living: Tips, Tricks and Methods for Organization = sanitary living
Seven Easy Steps to Being Able to Convince People You're a Spy = spying
Sex Edder = sex ed
The History of Witchcraft II = history of witchcraft
If you had a class today, please go back and add your tag to the post. It'll make it easier for people to find later. Thanks!