Clubs for fall semester

Sep 06, 2006 07:13

So it's that time of year again. Students have been required to either have a job or an extracurricular, and the same goes for this semester.

If you have an idea for a club, E-mail this little form off to and it'll get added to the signup list. Remember that this is a high school, and if your club is somehow inappropriate for that setting, it may not be included.

Club Name:
Club head (must be a student):
Faculty advisor:
Date/time/location of meeting:

There will be a club fair on Monday, September 18 in a post that will go up the night before, and you'll be able to sign up for things then. Participation in clubs can be handwavey. You're asked to do no more than you do for class, which is just to sign in. Note: Being a library aide or on a sports team does count as extracurricular. ETA: TA's will be accepted in this.

All clubs should be posted in fandomhigh, and not the dorms comm.

Also, and this is important: things got lax last semester. That can't happen again. Clubs will be expected to meet at least twice a month or they will be disbanded. If you can't do it, or forget, it'd be a very good idea to have someone else who will post the club for you.



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