And Our Next Destination Is... Elpis!

Jun 09, 2016 08:21

Hello, folks! Tomorrow, the island will have had its fill of tiny adorable murder bears and flee somewhere a little more... metropolitan. (But not too much. It still remembers Ilium vividly.)

It will settle down, oxygen bubble and all, right on the edge of the city of Concordia, on the moon Elpis AKA Space Australia. Concordia was once simply the moon's biggest spaceport, but after some, uh, less than ethical mining, Elpis experienced an event known only as The Crackening which split its surface and coaxed vast ravines into existence. Now Concordia is the biggest city around.

(for some value of city)

The planet of Pandora hovers high above Concordia, filling up the sky with spectacular if terrifying vistas every day. If staring at the universe's most dangerous planet isn't your thing, though, why not nip indoors to Moxxi's, get stupendously drunk on cocktails that temporarily increase your health, reloading speed, damage regeneration or fire rate, and run the slot machines? (Just don't piss off Moxxi herself. She's more than just a pretty... everything.) If that's not your style, there's the Springs' Emporium of Stuff, where Janey Springs will be happy to sell you junk, help you fix or buy guns, and ramble relentlessly about her awesome badass stoic gladiator girlfriend, Athena.

Other features include Nurse Nina's clinic ('Jab'n'Go'), who'll be happy to patch you up and decontaminate you for a fee, and the Black Market, where you can trade in any moonstones you find for expensive weaponry. Yeowch.

Don't want to stay indoors? Why, with such a beautiful death trap of a moon outside Concordia, who would? Elpis has no oxygen in its atmosphere and a level of gravity that can be referred to as 'very, very bouncy, try not to jump straight over a building', so make sure you grab a complimentary oxygen mask and tank at the causeway if you're planning to head out there. Remember that oxygen is not limitless, so if you plan to be out for long, keep an eye out for Oz kits and oxygenated force fields all over the moon.

That's the pro-you exploring stuff. The anti-you exploring stuff is an exhaustive list that contains, but is not limited to: scavs, kraggons, rathyds, stalkers, threshers, torks, shugguraths-- uh, you get the point. Try not to get killed? Sure, you could rely on those New-U Stations to rebuild your body, but why run the risk?

Questions, comments, pie?

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