As of this morning, the BDE has begun! Characters will receive terrible nightmares until waking this morning, after which the island is going to get blanketed by monsters and other terrible things. The three options for this are outlined
We've got a whole range of baddies from people's canons lined up: you can find their descriptions
here for modding purposes. These Generic (or less-than-Generic) Mooks will be running around the island all through today and the weekend for fighty purposes, except for in the usual safe areas.
If you want just any bad guy from any of those offered in NPC form, poke us here and we'll set you up with whatever monsters we are familiar enough with. (If you're a player who'd like to step in and do some NPCing in that regard, also feel free to mention as such in the comments on this post so people can find you, but this isn't something we expect of anyone. We have a fresh new NPC account set aside that we're more than willing to share the password for, for icon space)