Sep 24, 2015 17:44
It's that time of the year! Parents' Weekend is approaching: the one weekend every year where parents, guardians, siblings, friends, and other guest stars from the lives of Fandom's students, teachers and townies can come to the island to frolic around with their nearest and dearest's nearest and dearest! This year, we'll be running October 2nd through 4th.
How It Works:
On Friday October 2nd, we'll put up an OOC post announcing that all guest stars are cleared for entry - barring those we've contacted up front about any issues. Starting then, guests can start arriving in town, checking in at the hotel, and mingling. The school will be open all weekend, allowing teachers to be around for parent-teacher conferences, and events will be held to get everyone socialized. Come Sunday, guests can once again flee the island, leaving Fandomites everywhere to sigh in relief.
Who Can Show Up:
Parents, guardians, siblings, friends, enemies, evil twins, etc. If your character has someone to come and visit them, they may very well be eligible! The way this works is that you decide which character(s) you want to come (keep it to a maximum of 3, but if you have a pressing need for more for some reason, please contact us), find someone to play them and then submit the character and player details below. This is the only time we allow non-players to participate in a game event. It's the perfect opportunity to get your non-FH friends sucked in by getting them to participate in a one weekend event with no on-going commitment. You're also welcome to get fellow players to play guest stars for you if they have the time. If you can't find someone, there will shortly be a post going up where you can request a volunteer to help you out. Please use the upcoming post for your recruiting instead of doing it in your own journal to save your friends list from being spammed.
Signing Up:
Pick your guest star character(s), find a player for them, create a journal, and fill out the form below with the handy coding already done for you! We do ask that when you're creating your PW guest star's LJ that you be sure to list the character's name when LiveJournal asks you for a name. This tiny step is endlessly helpful to other players reading through PW posts, especially if they don't know your canon. Additionally, we recommend you put contact information such as an AIM screen name or email address of the player in your PW guest star's profile.
Parents' Weekend apps are due Wednesday, September 30th.
Questions, comments, key lime pie? Comments will be screened to keep guest stars secret if you want (and will be unscreened for questions and such).
parents weekend