Hello, all! Welcome back for another ADVENT SPECIAL! (okay, okay, tone it down a bit, self.)
Here's what we've got for you this week:
Sunday, December 14th all the rickshaws will be Christmassed up with lights and bells, zooming across the island!
Monday, December 15th, the island will be invaded by a small army of
chickens in capes. They're nice! ...Ish. They will try to steal food from your mouth and climb onto your shoulders.
Tuesday, December 16th, we revisit Snow Paints You! Yep, snow will come falling from the heavens, and if it hits you, it dyes that spot on you a funky color for the day.
Wednesday, December 17th, opening any door will reveal a chocolate. Sometimes lots of chocolates. Be careful.
Thursday, December 18th, the caroling gremlins are back! ... but a group of caroling squirrels also wants in on the action! Expect not just door-to-door caroling duels, but maybe the odd bit of Jets vs. Sharks posturing.
Friday, December 19th, sees everyone wake up with a Christmas hat. Removing it just makes a new one appear.
Saturday, December 20th, weetiny elves will show up and fix everything. Everything. Maybe even things you don't want fixed.
Stay tuned for next week as we hit our rollicking Christmas conclusion!