Zack Addy
Cordelia Chase
John Crichton
Timothy Desmond
Tyler Durden
Draco Malfoy
Peter Pevensie
Blair Sandburg
Greg Sanders
Ranma Saotome
Aeryn Sun
Elizabeth Weir
If it were possible? Dr. Cox looks even more cranky than he ever has. It may have something to do with working a double shift the day before.
So when he lets out his trademark sharp whistle and stomps into the room? It's with extra stomping power and his glare is extra glaring.
"Okay Newbies. Let's talk Blackmail. Blackmail is where someone forces you to do something that you don't want to do by immoral means. There are different types of black mail. I will demonstrate each type and provide you with a means on how to escape it."
Emotional Blackmail
Emotional blackmail is where someone tries to use your emotions, either negative or positive, to do what they want you to do. The best response is to show that you have no heart because it was torn out of your chest by some calculating shrew who danced on it while it was still beating.
Dr. Cox pulls out a puppet that looks like a female with Brunette hair.
Jordan-puppet: Perry? I know that you hate Kelso with the passion of a thousand suns but I need you to be nice to him before the board meeting so I can deal with the impending migraine of doom. Do this for me or I'll break your spirit with constant nagging and reminders of how you're a total failure as a human being.
Cox: Gosh Jordan. Your beside manner has once again won me over with flying colors. Hate to tell you sweetie but since we're not married anymore? I don't have to a damn thing I don't like to. In fact I now smoke cigars in bed while eating cheetos and drinking beer while watching the big game at top volume. So nag away oh princess of darkness! My inner light shines like the top of the chrysler building!
Moral Blackmail
Moral blackmail is typically used to appeal to your better nature. The solution? Don't have a better nature.
Dr. Cox pulls out a puppet with weird hair.
JD-Puppet: Gee Dr. Cox. I know you've been mean to me in the past but considering I just saved your career by telling Dr. Kelso that it was my idea to enter that patient into the treatment plan, you can cut me a little slack.
Dr. Cox: Listen up Shirley! Just because you did the right thing is no reason for me to let up on you. I let up on you? People die. Not on my watch sister. Now go home and wash your lingere in the delicate cycle and leave me alone.
"They got the goods on me!" Blackmail
If I have to explain this to you? You'll get smacked. The best way to deal with this type of blackmail? Don't give a damn.
Dr. Cox pulls out a devil-puppet.
Dr. Kelso Puppet: Hey there Perry. Now guess what? I just found out that you put your patient into the drug treatment program without prior authorizaion? Know what this means? It means that if you don't tow the line with me Perry, I'll be wearing your ass for a hat just before I kick it out the door and then do a little dance while I revel in the glory of firing you. Got me?
Dr. Cox: Gee Bobbo. Looks like you got me there. Only problem is I don't give a flying rat's ass if you fire me. Hell! I'd probably give you a wet sloppy kiss and a squeeze on the tush before I run from this place while screaming at the top of my lungs "I'M FREE AT LAST! FREE AT LAST! LORD GOD ALMIGHTY I'M FREE AT LAST!"
Cox then turned to his students. "So in honor of today's subject, I had a little talk with a certain shabby fella down at the radio station. He was oh so kind as to provide me with video footage of all you students at your lowest and most humiliating moments while attending school here. I want each of you to pair up and try to blackmail each other in turn.
[ooc: As I mentioned in my locked post on Cox's journal, the pirate has provided any embarassing moments that may have been publically recorded for the radio. Yes. There is video. Grease weekend included]
[Availability: I will be offline Tuesday AM. Will be available as usual after that]