Jun 16, 2006 14:18
Rory was curled up on the couch, typing away on her laptop before everyone arrived.
Once a reasonably-sized group of people were there, she addressed them. "Hi, um, I'm Rory. I'm going to be your editor this summer. I know some of you, and some are new, so...old kids, check in with me about what you want to do, because you're probably set. New kids, formulate an idea and run it past me. Your deadline is Tuesday, and the newsletter will come out every other week. Oh, and meetings will normally be on Thursday afternoons. Today's an exception, so our next one will be a week from Thursday."
She figured it would probably be easier to talk to people one-on-one than address everyone as a group, and that way it'd be that much simpler to nab the new kids, and so with a quick smile, she went back to work on brainstorming ideas for her column.