Since it was set to be a nice day, the Art Fair was laid out on the front lawn of the dorms.
When people entered, they were greeted with a selection of
tissue paper flowers in colorful - mainly blue - vases. Beyond that, there was a number of displays from the various participating classes.
The Student Art Fair was open.
[OOC: Students with projects should start a subthread under their class for their project containing a description or link to a picture of their project. GOB's students should just get in place and perform for however long they want to. They are free to come and go.
Conversations in general areas should go under the General Conversation subthreads. Confusing, yes? Actual viewing and commenting on the different projects should go under the student's subthreads.
Have fun and enjoy the art! I'm turning notifications off but you can ping me in the OOC thread or via e-mail if you need to catch my attention.]