The Library

May 05, 2006 11:04

It's Janet's last day opening the library, and she'd truthfully hoped to be a bit better-dressed for it. Sadly, she's down to her last jogging outfit--lavender shorts and a black t-shirt that was a little too short for her to be comfortable in it--and since she's out of clean socks, she's running around the school barefoot. Her sandals have gone missing since last summer, and she's not about to wear her running shoes without socks.

But! The last day of the term was library aide party day, no matter how silly she looks, and so she's hauled a couple of shopping bags filled with gourmet foods--Dr. Pierson was duly harassed for his credit card as forfeit for abandoning them to teach history, and also, Professor Wagner was just too nice for that kind of harassment--so she unlocked the door, flipped on the lights, and set out a bunch of mod your own yummies food and drinks behind the Collections Desk. Technically, it was just for the library aides, but they were all nice women. Hush, you. So roomies and friends and could probably be persuaded to share.

Random passers-by might even have luck too. As long as none of them had any overdue library books. Or were willing to accept a malleting and returned their book first.


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