Sociology Courses | April 06, 2006

Apr 06, 2006 14:53

Sex Cultures

Grissom looks around the classroom, noting at least one absence that surprises him.

"I understand that perhaps I did not give you enough time to complete the assignment from Tuesday. I'm going to give you the weekend as well, but they must be completed for Tuesday. No extensions without extraordinary extenuating circumstances."

Rolling out the TV unit omg don't look at me like that Grissom explains that the film today is a Frontline special called American Porn, and yes, they will be watching the version with the naughty bits masked out.

"However, if you are offended by this material why did you sign up for this class? you may be excused, if you ask me for permission when you sign in."

[OOC: There will be people doing stuff in class today, so I ask you to read through threads if you post in the class section and not just the sign in, and if you just sign in that's cool, but don't be going off and posting about your boring day in Sociology, because if you attend the class, you're going to see plotty things happen. If that gives you a headache, totally just ask Grissom at sign in to skip the movie. (Your character doesn't have to really be offended, they can pretend so that they can go do their laundry or whatever.) Ask questions in the After Class/OOC thread. THANKS GUYS. XXOO.]


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