Jan 18, 2006 14:09
Better mood, same Doctor.
"Righto, so, the civil rights movement. I hope you all did a bit of research for this, as today, we're going to discuss and debate, WITH EACH OTHER, comparative ways of advancement during this period. The issue I posed to you was synopsised in two men, and while it's never exactly this simple, the fundamental question remains. Which works better: non-violent civil disobedience or an eye for an eye?
"You're probably wondering what this has to do with Quantum Physics. As usual. I'd like to remind you that this question echoes in eternity in almost every place in space and time that faces great social change. It's important for you to understand it, not only if you're to be a traveller, but also to understand your own personal motivations...because no culture seems to be without this problem.
"So, tell me, tell each other--who was more successful? Malcolm or Martin? And if neither or only one of them had been assassinated...how would history have changed?"
He smiles a little. "Your homework for next week, by the way, is to research one woman and one man who were key to the subject area you're interested in. Tell me why you chose them and what they did. Women might be harder to find, but if you don't...your grade will suffer for it. And Jack, I need to see you after class."
quantum physics