[The Doctor looks vaguely hungover, and generally as if he doesn't want to take any crap today. All things considered.]
After Monday, it struck me that most of you haven't exactly done piles of research--Ms Belmont excepted. [He puts his hand up.] Don't give me any excuses, I don't want to hear them. I'm turning you loose today on
the library, and I'm going to be in my office during the rest of class time to answer questions and take requests for more information you can't find on your own.
And if you can't figure out the card catalogue...why Adam doesn't bloody computerise it is beyond me...I have the Dewey numbers for you, so that's no excuse either. Quantum teleportation is 539. Time travel is 530.11 and 530.12.
This does not mean you have permission to go into Special Collections. If you need that, see me.
And I will KNOW if you skip out. [A long steady look at them all.] So don't.
((I expect EVERYONE in this class to respond either here or in the library, except Cally, who has a RL excuse. Dewey numbers are real, because I'm anal like that.))