Library, Wednesday

Apr 19, 2017 10:31

Peridot was still a little perturbed that her great find over the weekend - a whole binder that said it contained information on the machinery of the island! - had been empty when she'd opened it. In part because, so help her, she'd been excited to do something actually helpful, and also because it meant... well... the organization in the non-fiction section, particularly on their materials pertaining to mechanical devices, needed a bit of work. Especially if entire binders had been gutted with their contents scattered to the winds, but were still sitting empty on shelves.


So Peridot could be found in the stacks today, painstakingly opening every book and binder she came across in order to make sure that all the pages seemed to be present and intact.

... She wasn't going to end up making so much as a dent by the end of the day, but her gumption was pretty admirable anyway. And she was a Gem. She had literally forever to do this, right?

[OOC: Open!]


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