Mar 05, 2017 20:25
The class was in the Danger Shop today, and it looked like a bare apartment, save for some boxes. Some boxes with "IKEA" printed on the side.
"When you get a place, you need to furnish it. And that means sometimes putting stuff together. This is all from IKEA. If you haven't been to the Isle of IKEA over yonder, it's not a terrible way to spend the day as long as you don't mind losing your entire day to it. Basically you buy Swedish furniture and bring it home and get to put it together and then you forever have allen wrenches you have no other use for. There are other ways to get furniture, of course, but this is a pretty inexpensive, easy way to get stuff before you get yourself established, so. I have a few things for you to put together. There's a couple bookcases, an entertainment center, and a bed in the next room. The last two things require more than one person, so you might want to pair up for those. Open the box, read the instructions, make it work."
Did she still feel like she should apologize to Mike for this class? Yeah, kinda.