Class was back in the danger shop after the little fiasco with the video attempt. Though, at least two people had enjoyed that one. Bless their hearts.
The room had been programmed (by Nathan) to look like a version of
Virginia that would have been a little more familiar for both of their teachers. Which meant the rare road and whole lot of wooded areas surrounding them. Oh, and the rivers and streams cutting through the land. Couldn't forget those.
"I do hope you didn't think we'd forgotten about the marching," Goody said, inhaling deeply like he could actually smell the woods.
"Trust us," Nathan said, "we couldn't forget the marching if we tried."
Once again, the narrative felt compelled to point out that he'd been cavalry. And was, in fact, currently sitting on a horse even now.
Goody's horse, if the narrative needed to be specific about these things.
"Cavalry," Goody said with a huff of disdain. They couldn't all rush about on horseback, after all. "Now, the cavalry here were mostly used to screen the movements of a larger marchin' force that made up the bulk of the armies. Some days may go slow while the numbers strung out for miles behind as the thousands of men and animals had to… pick their way through places that didn't quite have the roads to accommodate them."
"Which meant mud," Nathan offered helpfully. "And rough terrain. The marches were exhausting, and it wasn't uncommon for men to go missing just in the process of moving from place to place. Straggling was basically a way of life, especially on the heavy marches, where men carried everything to their name. There was some on the light marches as well, but carrying only a musket, ammunition, haversack and canteen was, understandably, a little easier to handle."
Said the jackass on the horse.
"I should hope you return my horse once this is over," Goody muttered, eyeing him for that. "On top of that, once you stopped marchin', you may need to set up camp. Or dig trenches to defend your new position from attack. Or even to build yourselves something to cross the occasional treacherous river, the most common type being the moveable
pontoon bridge. The life of a soldier did not end at the end of a march, I can assure you of that."
Goody smiled and clapped his hands together. "Alright now, enough lollygaggin'. We have packs for y'all to carry while we march. Mr. Algren and I will even teach you the songs each of the armies sang to pass the time."
"Because what you all need today is to hear me sing the Battle Hymn of the Republic," Nathan snorted.
Which was not him saying he wouldn't, it should be noted.