Ethics [Thursday, October 27, 2016]

Oct 27, 2016 11:40

Today's Ethics class was outside. In the preserve, which was a huge step up from a desert, if you asked Anakin.

Yes, well. Which one of them had spent time in a desert lately? Either way, Obi-Wan was there, looking only... slightly tense. "We believed that perhaps it was time to remind ourselves of the spirit of charitable giving," he said, "Ethics, after all, is not simply about theory."

"And," said an unexpected addition to the teaching group today, "that's why I'm here today." Kanan grinned easily as he shrugged his shoulders. That jack-of-all-trades thing came in handy sometimes. "As you can probably tell from the chill that's starting to settle into the air, it's coming on wintertime, and some of the island's residents... frankly, are too dumb to come in from the cold. So-" he held up a handful of printouts of plans for simple livestock shelters, "we're going to build a bunch of smaller versions of these. And then we're going to wallpaper the insides with bad, preachy fanfiction from the internet. For the teal deer."

Apparently they liked that sort of thing? Kanan was just going to roll with it.

Anakin stared at Kanan. "The deer read fanfiction."

Kanan just shot Anakin a grin. "The deer like words. The fanfiction was just convenient."

"I do not," Obi-Wan said, "Want to know what manner of fanfiction it is."

He and Anakin had experiences. Experiences.

Anakin shuddered slightly. "Me either. Pair up, if you'd like, and build the teal deer some shelter. I recommend speaking briefly if you don't want them to harass you."

"Then I won't tell you," Kanan said cheerfully, and then he motioned to a pile of tools and building supplies. "Everything you need is over there. If you have any questions, I've built one or two of these things in my time. Or you can just enjoy the fine reading materials that have been provided, but we'll probably judge you for it."


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