Game of Chance, Monday

Aug 29, 2016 08:57

First class was in a normal classroom, with Atton sitting behind the front desk, looking relaxed. He had several packs of cards sitting in front of him on the desk, and he motioned for every other student to grab one as they came in.

"Welcome to Game of Chance," he said, "Which you can think of as a mathematics class about probability if your parents ever ask. In this class, we talk about odds, taking chances, when it's better to nope out, and when it's better to up your bets. Some of you are probably here because your lives can be dangerous and you want to know how to field bad situations better, some of you are probably here because it looked like fun, and maybe one of you actually thought this was a math class."

Was there someone like that in class? Because he'd like to know.

"What we'll also be doing is covering actual games of chance," he said. "Not because I want you all to rack up enormous gambling bets, but because it can teach you about risk and reward - and when you hit the point where you take on too much risk for too little reward. Trust me, we all have a point like that. So, to get us started, let's skip introductions."

Because eh.

"I want you to read the for Go Fish on the back of the cards you just got. Then you grab a partner who doesn't have any cards, share the rules, and play. You'll find four chips on your desks; you have to put in a bet on your odds of winning at the start of every round, right after you look at your cards. I want you to play three rounds. At the end of the class, you get as many chocolate bars as you have chips. I think that about covers it. Get started."

game of chance

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