Ethics, Wednesday, September 23, 2015, 2nd period

Sep 23, 2015 12:46

Do you have a bad feeling, class? Do you? You should! It's terrifying droid baby week! Hooray!

Anakin was currently holding a particularly cranky baby as it wailed. "Welcome back, class."

"Every semester, we run a class about parental responsibilities," Obi-Wan said smoothly. "Child-rearing is a path that takes great care and commitment, though it is often rewarding. To nurture such a young being into adulthood is to be conscious, always, of the values you choose to pass along, and how to do so."

"As we rediscovered last week, our formative experiences directly contribute to how we see and interact with the world around us," Anakin said, carefully placing the baby back in its carrier, "and while it is natural as humans to make mistakes, the ones we make with small children have lasting, sometimes irrevocable effects. Here in Fandom, surrounded by many people eager to help, abundant food, water, and climate-control, your babies should be off to a good start."

"We have formed pairs," Obi-Wan continued. "Bar one of you. It will be your responsibility to treat these 'children' well, and to attempt to instill in them some manner of basic values. Kindness. Consideration. Affection."

"Not biting people," Anakin added a little dryly. "And that goes for you as well. If you're going to whine about this assignment, do it where I can't hear it."
"We will be monitoring your efforts. You may return the babies to us in class next week, unless there are unforseen circumstances." Obi-Wan smiled. "And no, 'I barely get any sleep' is no unforseen circumstance."


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