Friendship is Cakes!!!, Wednesday, period 3

Feb 18, 2015 10:52

There was no one in the classroom when the students arrived. No pony, no wolf, not even a baby alligator with an eerie thousand yard stare. There were no piles of cake decorating supplies, no fancifully-shaped cakes. The room was dark, and the board was empty.

Then Pinkie cake rushing in, pushing a large, old fashioned vacuum tube television on a tall cart with "Intrascholastic Media Center" written on it in white-out. "SORRYSORRYSORRYSORRYSORRY!" she cried, skidding on a banana peel* and nearly careening, cart and all, into the wall. "INTHEMIDDLEOFSOMETHINGWILLEXPLAINLATERFORNOWENJOYTHISFUNANDTOTALLYONSUBJECTTVSHOWANDSKETCHOUTANYIDEASITGIVESYOUFORNEXTTIME!"

She slammed a VHS tape into the VCR on the cart, centered it in front of the class, then went skidding back towards the door. She paused, muttered "oh, right", then flung bags of popcorn in such a way as to make one land neatly and cleanly atop every student's desk, then rushed back out the door, yelling "SORRYSORRYSORRYSORRYSORRY" all over again, and muttering something about mangabeys.

* no, we don't know where that came from


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