Try Not to Die [Thursday, May 15, 2014]

May 15, 2014 13:31

"Hello everyone," Anakin said, sipping from his cup of coffee, "today we're going to a slightly more challenging world than Coruscant was."

Aren't you excited, class? Be excited!

"This one is called Kashyyyk--with three y's--and it is the homeworld of a species called Wookiees--with two o's and two e's. They look like this," he said, flipping up a holographic image on the wall of Portalocity's lobby, "and adults are normally at least 2 meters tall and 125 kilograms. They are also fiercely intelligent as well as terrifyingly efficient warriors. It's not wise to upset a Wookiee, especially if you value your limbs not being ripped off and used to beat you unconscious with."

Thank you, Anakin.

"The planet has four continents, and they are all covered with forests made up of kilometer-tall wryoshr trees--" another holo, "--that you will get to climb so I hope none of you have height problems. The climate is hot and humid, but the gravity is standard. Like last week, you will race each other to complete two tasks before reporting back to me not missing any limbs or having fallen out of a tree and several kilometers to the surface of this planet where you will certainly have been eaten." He smiled. "May the Force be with you. You may begin."

Don't all go charging through the portal at once now, class...

try not to die

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