Library [12/12]

Dec 12, 2013 09:43

The library was starting to look a little lived-in, with all the researchers running about. John had brought a box of donuts and thrown it on one table, and chaos was reigning as the books were piling up ( Read more... )


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Comments 72

Research talentforlying December 12 2013, 15:44:21 UTC
For those doing the intellectual-thing.


Re: Research seveninchmotto December 12 2013, 16:15:35 UTC
Isabelle wasn't so much with the intellectual, but she knew this was where the people who had a grasp on the bigger picture of the situation where generally spending their time.

She was probably going to go out and kill things later, though. It was in her blood. Also, some of those things had killed her brother yesterday, and even though he was fine now, that was Not Okay.

But she was here for now. Poking at things. Mostly not doing anything useful.


Re: Research fix_it_guy December 12 2013, 18:11:53 UTC
Mike wandered in sometime after noon, and placed the shotgun he was carrying in the box. (Although the bulge in the small of his back was staying right where it was, thank you very much.)

He stuck his hands in his pockets and looked around for a while, just watching the people doing whatever it was they were doing.


Re: Research craftyladyparts December 12 2013, 23:43:53 UTC
After talking to Doctor Tannis, Jessica defied library rules, stood up on a table, and called out, "In the professional opinion of our consulting scientist, it's time to arm ourselves. The vending machine guns should be safe for us to use and customize. If you have any questions on customization, please see me or any of your other local engineers, because I'll be getting the word out. I'll be quiet now. Thank you."


Talk to the Pandorans talentforlying December 12 2013, 15:47:02 UTC
One of the computers had been moved on to a desk off to the side, out of the immediate ebb-and-flow of traffic. A faint purple glow could be seen from the monitor, and a window was open with a video call to Dr. Tannis' lab in Pandora.

[OOC: For those talking to the Not-Evil Pandoran NPCs]


Talk to Dr. Tannis - Research pandora_goodies December 12 2013, 16:31:25 UTC
Dr. Tannis had considered hanging up a big DO NOT DISTURB sign in front of the camera at her end. She'd considered it. But - sigh - she supposed she needed to make due with just looking generally unapproachable. It wasn't hard. She had a tendency to frown a lot and mutter to herself while she worked, and she was currently pouring over the various data she'd received from Fandom.

And, well, sometimes she supposed she needed to be approached. For updates and the exchange of information, and such.

She looked up at the camera (and consequently out of the screen in the library), and cleared her throat. "Excuse me, people of Fandom? Well, a person of Fandom. The attention of just one would suffice."

[ooc: This thread for our RNGed researcher of the day!]


Re: Talk to Dr. Tannis - Research craftyladyparts December 12 2013, 19:55:49 UTC
"A person of Fandom speaking," Jessica said when she answered the phone. Camera. Communicator. Thing. "How's it going?"


Re: Talk to Dr. Tannis - Research pandora_goodies December 12 2013, 20:05:05 UTC
"Abysmally," Tannis sighed, although admittedly she might have been talking about her feelings on social interaction. "Has the Vault key been located yet? Or has Jack given any indication he has it?"

She was not so much with the small talk.


Talk to Constantine talentforlying December 12 2013, 15:47:26 UTC
If you dare!


Re: Talk to Constantine fix_it_guy December 12 2013, 18:14:50 UTC
Mike wandered up to the guy who looked like he was at least somewhat in charge here. "If I were to ask you if you knew what the hell was going on, would you have a useful answer for me?"


Re: Talk to Constantine talentforlying December 12 2013, 18:29:20 UTC
John just tapped out a cigarette before offering the pack to Mike. "You want the short answer or the really fucked-up answer, mate?"


Re: Talk to Constantine fix_it_guy December 12 2013, 19:27:04 UTC
Mike declined the pack with a polite wave. "You sound like exactly the guy I want to talk to. I'd like the best answer you can give me -- the most accurate, the most complete, but not too long. Don't sugar-coat it, and don't leave out anything that sounds too crazy to believe. I'm a big boy and I can handle myself."


OOC talentforlying December 12 2013, 15:47:46 UTC
Must be a Thursday.


Re: OOC never_dull December 12 2013, 18:57:11 UTC
Apologies, but I'm confused (first real BDE here) - are the side missions for anyone unless otherwise specified, or were they all previously arranged?


Re: OOC talentforlying December 12 2013, 19:01:26 UTC
It's my understanding that the side missions were RNG'd, but you'd have to check with our glorious admin team. I'm just the (very pretty!) scenery. :)


Re: OOC seveninchmotto December 12 2013, 19:08:03 UTC
All side missions were previously RNGed and assigned to specific people, yes, although you can still keep an eye on the brainstorming posts in the OOC comm for possible spots in other people's missions!

Also, yes, what Ahddie said above me: all BDE questions are best directed at the related posts in the OOC comm, as the admin team isn't handling library posts. We have much too pretty a library staff available for that!


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