Archery 102 [Friday, 1st Period]

Aug 09, 2013 01:04

When the students arrived at the Danger Shop today, they'd find everything looking like usual - Clint and his arms were there along with all their supplies, but today, the targets were swinging back and forth in a slow, rocking motion ( Read more... )


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Talk to Clint so_hawkward August 9 2013, 05:05:09 UTC
Or his arms, he won't judge.


Re: Talk to Clint whenshewasnice August 9 2013, 14:02:38 UTC
Natalie wasn't in this class, no, but she still showed up around the end of the class period. With two takeaway coffees, no less.

Last week made it feel like it was warranted.



Re: Talk to Clint so_hawkward August 9 2013, 15:02:15 UTC
Clint was a little surprised to see Natalie, but it was a good surprise, honestly. "Hey to you too."


Re: Talk to Clint whenshewasnice August 9 2013, 16:35:52 UTC
Natalie held one of the coffees out for him. "You're in one piece."

Astute observation.


Re: Talk to Clint so_hawkward August 9 2013, 16:51:07 UTC
Clint ducked his head a little as he took the coffee. "Thanks. And yeah. Things turned out... well, not entirely better but different than I expected."


Re: Talk to Clint whenshewasnice August 9 2013, 18:40:52 UTC
"Good." She nodded. "Didn't sound like you expected things to go well."

Was she judging? Maybe a little. In her own mild way.


Re: Talk to Clint so_hawkward August 9 2013, 19:23:01 UTC
"No, I didn't. I take it you listened to the whole voicemail? I thought my instructions were pretty clear." And he'd totally expected her to listen, of course.


Re: Talk to Clint whenshewasnice August 9 2013, 19:27:56 UTC
Natalie just raised an eyebrow in silence.

Really? He actually bothered to even say that? They both knew she hadn't even considered not listening to it all the way through.


Re: Talk to Clint so_hawkward August 9 2013, 19:32:16 UTC
"Okay, okay, I knew you'd listen. I just didn't know what I was getting myself into and was assuming the worst," Clint said, like that was any kind of excuse. "I thought about leaving without saying anything but that doesn't seem like a good option anymore, which is weird for me."


Re: Talk to Clint whenshewasnice August 9 2013, 19:37:11 UTC
"Not everyone would forgive you for that." Leaving without saying anything, she meant. If something bad actually happened. "So, good for you for not being that dumb, at least."


Re: Talk to Clint so_hawkward August 9 2013, 20:45:01 UTC
"Yeah, I've upgraded to slightly dumb," Clint said. "Dumb enough to think people would be okay with me leaving at all. I'm sorry if I made you worried or anything. That wasn't my intention, as stupid as that sounds."


Re: Talk to Clint whenshewasnice August 9 2013, 21:24:34 UTC
"I worried." She'd already pretty much admitted that before, so it wasn't too big a deal to say it in actual words. "But I guess you have to do whatever you have to do. And just try and not get killed."


Re: Talk to Clint so_hawkward August 9 2013, 22:42:47 UTC
"I try very hard not to get killed, believe me," Clint said. "And I'm sorry I worried you. Hopefully, that won't happen again for a while."


Re: Talk to Clint whenshewasnice August 9 2013, 22:53:27 UTC
Natalie shrugged one shoulder and took a sip of coffee. "I'll be leaving soon, anyway. Probably won't have as much time to worry in Haiti."

Yes, she was moving to Haiti, and yes, that was bigger news than her nonchalant delivery would lead him to believe.


Re: Talk to Clint so_hawkward August 9 2013, 23:05:32 UTC
"You're going to Haiti? Is there a school there or something?"

Look, people graduated and went to college and stuff, that was how Clint figured it all worked.


Re: Talk to Clint whenshewasnice August 9 2013, 23:16:40 UTC
Oh, Clint. That was such a misguidedly normal expectation to have! "No," she said. "I'll be an assistant to a friend who's currently a political advisor."

There were so many skinny teenagers in baggy t-shirts just like hers who would've said that as a joke. And yet.


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