"I hope everyone survived their weekend unscathed, whether you had visitors or not," Steve said when the class assembled this morning. Peggy. Thinking about it still kind of hurt, so he pushed it down and forged on. "If you did have visitors, I hope they weren't too alarmed or traumatized by our...special, special little island. Now, on to our assignment for the week. We're going to play around with a style rather than a medium this time, so you can use any of the mediums we've already used in this class; all the supplies are available for you. And the style is
abstract art, or art that isn't representational of anything." That should be easier for some of them. Right? Right.
Steve gave a brief explanation of what abstract art was beyond the short form definition, and a little bit of history, then said, "Some abstract artists like to listen to music as they paint, to evoke a certain mood or state of mind. I thought we needed something cheerful, so..." give him a minute to set up the record player. After a bit of fiddling,
upbeat big band music filled the air. ":Let the great Benny Goodman be your guide. Have fun."