The set up of the Home Ec room was slightly different this week. No trays or display cases of cupcakes were visible [unless you want them to be, whatevs, I am easy.]. And at least one instructor had a somewhat mopey expression on his face. Or his half-a-face, if you wanted to get technical. The instructor with a whole face wasn’t completely mopey, but he wasn’t all smiles either.
“Looks like the clock’s running down to the final seconds here, guys,” Anders told everyone. “So we’ve got a little bit of a final for you here.”
“Not much talking today,” Stark put in. “More baking. You can talk. We just won’t. Much. Unless someone is talking to us.”
“Because today it’s all up to you what you think is the right call for cupcakes,” Anders went on. “Stark, want to uncover the board?” Oh, yes. There was a board.
Of course Stark wanted to uncover the board. That was the first step towards cupcakes, after all. So he did so, nodding once to Anders. He wasn’t the sort to say “ta-da!”, which was unfortunate, as this was a perfect opportunity to do so. Once it was uncovered, the students would be able to read the day’s assignment. Or at least a list of terms, which would hopefully make sense as an assignment in a moment. The list included things like gremlin bites, invasions, alternate universe children, tiny creatures that follow you around and sometimes hug you, summer cabin time, and teal deer.
“Today we want you to make Fandom cupcakes,” Stark said, gesturing at the board.
“It’s a theme day,” Anders filled in. “We’re not gonna tell you what exactly goes into a Fandom cupcake; that’s up to you. But pick a theme from the list on the board, go wild in the ingredients cabinets, and try to come up with what, to you, makes a cupcake that reminds you of it.”
Shut up. They weren’t sentimental about their time as students at all. Not even a little bit.