When the students walked into the room for their Science class today, they might notice that their teacher was taller than the norm. And less bouncy. And seemed to have a penchant for wearing suits, rather than a great deal of orange and green in tandem. What the hell was Reno doing here, anyhow? He was hunched over the syllabus, trying to puzzle that one out, himself.
"Oooh. Yeah, I got this." A pause, and then he blinked up at the students as they came in. "Yo, Rikku's Rookies! Your teacher today seems like she picked up whatever the hell it was that I had last week, so while she's tryin' to manoeuvre around a stupid cat on her way to puke her guts out, I'm coverin' for today. Don't worry, I know your topic today. Pretty well, if I do say so myself, yo."
And he did say so himself, yes.
"Today, we're talkin' about the environment, and how people are just a bunch'a dumbasses out there screwin' it the hell up when they could be doin' a bunch'a little things to make it last a little longer. See, the whole damn Planet ain't a renewable resource- that's somethin' that nature can make more of, after usin' some of it up. A lot of agricultural products? They’re sustainable, if you take care of what you’re doin', so that makes 'em renewable. Solar energy and geothermal power? Yeah, them too. Hydro power and biofuels? I think you're startin' to follow me, here. We can take and take and take, and so long as we ain't absolute idiots about it, there'll be more to keep on takin' again, later, yo.
"On the other hand, you got non-renewable resources, too. Shit like coal and oil and … yeah, you guys don't have mako power here on Earth, but you get my drift. The world ain't gonna make more of that once you use it up and drain it dry, yo. Hell, even the renewable stuff ain't all that renewable if you abuse the hell out of it. I'm sayin' agricultural products like it's always handled right, but how many of you guys knew that chocolate's gonna be pretty much extinct within twenty years? Yep, mankind's abusin' the crap out of it, clear-cuttin' rainforests and hybridizin' it in order to get it faster, so it's causin' the soil to erode away and shortening the natural lifespan of the cacao plant. Take a moment and think that one over, yo."
It would, indeed, be a very bleak world without chocolate. Humanity should live in terror, now.
"So, this week, your mission, like it or not, is gonna be to pair off, come up with a handful of natural resources that affect your life from day-to-day, an' figure out which category it goes in. Renewable, non-renewable, or sustainable. Renewable is somethin' that nature will bring back over an' over, sustainable is somethin' that we can use up and replace, so long as we're bein' careful about it, and non-renewable is all that shit that we're really, really gonna be up shit creek over, because you ain't never seein' it again once it's gone."
[OCD Coming, please hold up! Go forth and do Science!!!]