The Art of Pacifism; Tuesday, Fifth Period [ 03/15 ].

Mar 15, 2011 09:07

The classroom and the cocoa were back; Shunsui was sitting at his usual spot in the circle, all things that should be a sign to the students that another discussion class was in order.

"Welcome back, ducklings ♥!" he gave his usual greeting and smile. "I hope you all had a wonderful weekend with your visitors ♥."

He knew he did, thanks to some people having hot sisters.

"Today I'd like to have a discussion about last week's class, where I taught you about Aikido ♥. I noticed that quite a few of you seemed quite eager to learn this method of self-defense, so I have a feeling I know where the conversation will go, but still ♥. You know what they say about assumptions ♥. Things like Aikido have its roots in the non-agression principle of pacifism. While nonviolence rejects the use of violence, non-aggression rejects the use of aggression ♥. Aggression is defined as the initiation of a physical force against person or property, and does not reject the idea of self-defense in response to aggression initiated against yourself.

"We saw in class how something like Aikido can be used to still be fairly nonviolent while also being non-agressive, but can it truly be considered pacifism ♥? Does a true pacifist absolve from all physical conflict? Or are there exceptions, as just remaining passive in the face of violence only propagate the violence ♥? Is there a happy medium? What did you, personally, think of the self-defense philosophy of Aikido and how it applies to your own perceptions of pacifism so far?

"Let's discuss ♥!"

[[ and incoming ocd arrived! ]]

art of pacifism

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