Chemistry; Tuesday, Period One [ 01/25 ].

Jan 25, 2011 07:21

"Alright, kids," Kūkaku looked the classroom over a little, piece of chalk already in her hand to show how it was likely to be a lecture heavy class today, but she was smirking a little. "Today, we're talkin' about my favourite part of chemistry, and that's the chemical reaction part. Raise your hands if yer surprised."

Just because they should have already read the text didn't mean they were being spared a lecture, although the readers would, as Kūkaku blabbed about all those great details on chemical reactions, how they work, how they were created, and the different factors that would determine how quickly and how substantial the reaction would be.

This included, of course, kinetic theory and the every exciting balancing chemical equations.

"So guess who has homework this week. I've got a packet of chemical equations, and you lucky sods get to work on figuring them out. Obviously, if you're having trouble, I encourage ya to either talk to me or get help from one of your classmates. But that is for home. Today, we're skippin' all the equation stuff and havin' some fun with a more practical assignment."

Practical, anyway, in Kūkaku's book.

"I'm sure you've all heard of the baking soda volcano experiment, where mixing baking soda and vinegar create sa chemical reaction that's supposed to resemble a volcanic explosion. More like a volcanic lava flow, if you ask me. Another popular experiment is the baking soda and vinegar bottle rocket. Sure, these show baking soda and vinegar in a chemical reaction, but excuse me while I fall asleep. Let's make it a bit more interesting and see what you all can do."

"So here's the deal. Baking soda and vinegar as a base for both reactions, but if you wanna add something else to making it more interesting, give us a little more pizazz, go right for it. But your task today is to launch off the rocket into your volcano, and then make the volcano explode. Now, remember, we're in the classroom, so ya gotta keep it rained in, but let's see what you can do. Partner up if you'd like, or work by yourself, but let's get somethin' good started, got it?"

[[ OCD on the way is up! ]]


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