"Yo, Rookies!" Reno gave his students a lazy grin as he settled back against his desk. This week, we're gonna touch on somethin' that you all probably ain't strangers to, havin' all been on the island as long as you have. We're talkin' alternate realities, timelines, universes, that kinda shit."
Reno's colorful vocabulary knew no bounds. Truly. )
Which meant there was sighing. Much sighing.
Well, not directly.
Still, all very useful stuff to know, so she was leaning forward with her arms folded on her desk, looking quiet, serious, and... not studious, because Kennedy, but some more combative equivalent.
So she was going to spend most of this class examining her desk and trying not to imagine how much some of the marks might resemble things she'd seen in that other world.
Yeah. Over here, taking notes, not thinking too much about past events, thanks.
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