Demolition and Dynamite; Friday, Third Period [10/22 ].

Oct 22, 2010 07:32

Kūkaku had marched her students down to the Danger Shop at the start of class, which should hopefully mean the kidlets could figure out that this meant they'd be mostly blowing things up today. This was probably highlighted by the fact that the shop was set up in workstations, and each one had all the trappings of making bombs.

"Today, let's have some fun," said Kūkaku, then she shrugged slightly. "Well, we always have fun. It's blowing things up, how can it not be fun? But today we're gonna do a little bit of a game. Get to a workstations; you've got fifteen minutes to try to make up to twenty bombs. If you don't make it to twenty, tough shit, work with what you've got. Once the fifteen minutes are up, you've got ten minutes to get over to your battle stations and place your targets. You've got ten of these babies and your 'playing field' is a ten-by-ten grin. You're gonna lay out your targets, you classmates will lay out theirs and then you're gonna go up against your classmate and try to blow up their shit with your shit. Just choose the coordinate, letters on top, numbers down the side, light your bomb, slip it down the shoot, and wait and see if you got anything. Twenty bombs, twenty tries, or however many bombs you managed to finish. The one with the most hits winds up winning...I don't know. The pride of being good at blowing things up, or something."

"Any questions? Ask 'em now, 'cause the clock starts soon on getting those bombs made. Don't worry. At the start of each part, I'll go over the rules again."

[[ please wait for the slow OCD is up! ]]

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