Engineering Math, Period 2, 20 Nov '09

Nov 20, 2009 14:31

Today's class was held in the Danger Shop, set up to mimic the usual classroom enviroment - desks, seating, the reamins of an exhausted building site and one slightly ruffled scientist standing at the front of the room.

"The three principles of architecture," said Mohinder. "Are that it should last, it should be functional and it should be beautiful. The last being a criteria much harder to be sure of fulfilling." He started to pass notes out to the students.

"When it comes to bridges, there are four basic types - beam, arch, cantilever and suspension bridges. Not all of which work equally well," he said, going on to on to discuss the design flaws and merits of each types. "And there's just a short practical exercise before you're free to go."

Once they'd built their way over the stretch of water that had just appeared, blocking the exit.

[OCD is up!]


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