A big fan of the handwaving, despite not being a Jedi, Deadpool was in ye olde Danger Shop with more than just a few
neato wooden sticks that you get at anime conventions. Though he didn't get his there.
...okay, only two of them. But it was a good deal, okay?
"Okay, so today we're talking about where you kooky kids are at on the skill level so you don't end up like a wee baby kitten up against a rabid Doberman. Not pretty. Believe you me."
Let's just say that was a very bad trip to Guatemala.
"So you get to smack around these hand-dandy dummies who are not at
all dressed up like anyone in particular!" Who wouldn't believe a face like that? C'mon now! "So, get crackin' on this so we can start pairing you folks up next week for my own personal Thunderdome."
A beat.
"I'll need a Tina, of course."
Deadpool, stop eying Zack.
"Zack, Arthur. This Saturday in the non-fancy gym in town because someone isn't allowed on campus because it's creepy or something. Anyone who wants to watch fun fighty times is welcome to come along and bring popcorn."