Gun Club meeting - Gun Range, 4pm

Oct 14, 2005 15:03

Parker walks onto the range, her .Sig and Glock in their locked case, and makes sure everything is ready. She posts the following two notices, to be read by everyone who wants to participate:

Ten Commandments of Firearms Safety

1. Treat every gun with the respect due a loaded gun.
2. Watch that muzzle! Be able to control the direction of the muzzle even if you should stumble.
3. Be sure barrel and action are clear of obstructions and that you have only ammunition of the proper size for the gun you are carrying.
4. Be sure of your target before you pull the trigger; know identifying features of the game you hunt. Never shoot at a sound or move­ment.
5. Unload guns when not in use. Take down or have act­ions open; guns should be carried in cases to the shoot­ing area.
6. Never point a gun at anything you do not want to shoot; avoid all horse­play with a firearm.
7. Never climb a fence or tree or jump a ditch with a loaded gun; never pull a gun toward you by the muzzle.
8. Never shoot a bullet at a flat, hard sur­face or water; at tar­get practices be sure your backstop is adequate.
9. Store guns and ammunition sep­ar­ately beyond the reach of children and careless adults.
10. Avoid alcoholic bev­er­ages before or during shooting.


DEA Agent shoots self during Gun Safety class

"Anyone who wants to break these rules? Can feel free to talk to our sponsor, Principal Connor, about it. John Connor suggested pin-shooting; anyone who wants to do that, sign up below."

She puts on her hearing protection, puts up a Dracula target, and starts shooting.

Parker will be back in 3-4 hours to interact with anyone who wants to show up. Don't bother NPC'ing her. Have fun!

gun club

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