Mythbusting, Tuesday, 8/4

Aug 04, 2009 08:31

Class met in the Danger Shop today, and Tyler was notably subdued. He didn't feel right but was trying to hold it together enough to teach.

"Car myths," he said, once the class was gathered near a parking lot of simulated vehicles. "Sugar or bleach in the gas tank will kill the engine, a potato in the tail pipe will blow up the car, mothballs in the fuel tank make a car run better, a penny in the carburetor ruins the engine, an egg will fix a crack in the radiator. You've probably heard stuff like that -- the ones of you from worlds with cars, anyhow."

"Today, we're checking them out. 'Additives' " -- finger quotes on that word -- "are over on the table, and every pair of you gets a fake car to screw around with. If you're going to try to blow it up, handwavily let me know so I can get up the shields. If you don't know how to drive, pair up with someone who does. I'm passing out a diagram of a car's engine that should get you started."



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