This was liable to be interesting-- or not, as Ender recognised their new professor's poise fairly easily for what it was. Still, this was something he knew how to deal with. He sat there, quietly.
On the one hand, this class was filled with friends. That was nice. On the other, Karla had no idea why she was in this course or what good it would ever do her.
She suspected Morton was behind this somehow, even if she had no idea how.
Any thought that Valentine might have had about the fortuitousness of this class being on the roster started to fade as the class went on, replaced by the familiar reminder that she usually did much better on her own accord in things like this. Thankfully, she was also incredibly used to that feeling, and to putting it in the back of her mind to appear your only slightly more than average student.
She suspected Morton was behind this somehow, even if she had no idea how.
She wasn't fidgety, just quiet and watching Rimmer warily.
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