Basketball- 6th Period- Class #3

May 25, 2009 09:03

Yep, Lily was back for class today, though minus her guitar.

"Hi, guys!" she called. "So I know you might not be used to going to class on a holiday. And some of you might not even know today is a holiday, because our education here is sorely lacking in that kind of thing. But today is Memorial Day, which is a day when we remember- see, it's pretty easy there- people who fought in wars. And we have a lot of those. So to celebrate, we usually get the day off, and even though the real first day of summer isn't until June this holiday marks the real start of summer because this is when cookout season starts.

"So since most places would have the day off, I'm going to just play some music, and you all can do whatever you want today!"

Lily, you let them do that every wee- Oh, never mind, she was already hitting play on the little CD player she'd brought, as it was more festive than the guitar.


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