The Club Fair; the Gym; Friday Afternoon [ 10/03 ]

Oct 03, 2008 08:06

Turtle had been more than happy to volunteer to get help with setting up for the club fair all morning, with all the tables and posters and sign up clipboards and refreshments and subtle product placement from Turtle & Canary. There was even a great big board by the door boasting the Club Schedule.

It was a little sad to have to leave the mecca of organization she had created to attend Student Council, but she was back quickly after to get the club fair started. And scurry over to her own table.

[[ wait for the OCD or be crippled by a kick to the shins. Your choice. OCD IS UP! You are free from the threat of kicking for now. I hope I didn't forget anyone! ]]

[[ Each Most clubs will have two threads: a promotion table for interaction with the club head(s) and an OOC sign up sheet to join the club. A few clubs have an exception or two, and those exceptions will be pointed out in the thread. ]]

[[ ETA: Soooo, I made a little "oops" on the schedule, and there actually ARE no 3pm classes. So ignore those Xs. If it helps anyway, 1pm = Fourth Period, 2pm = Fifth Period, sorry about the mix up and any confusion! ]]

club fair

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