Class started too early in the morning, in a science classroom equipped with lab tables, Bunsen burners, and the faint smell of past explosions gone wrong. Safety goggles and gloves were at each workstation, as were
supplies that might look familiar to anyone who'd taken a class with Professor Durden before.
Said professor leaned against his desk, watching and assessing the students as they came in.
"Hey," he greeted the class. "Welcome to Chemistry You Can Use. If you've taken a class with me before, welcome back; if you're new, welcome for the first time; and if you want to call me a stickbug, wait until after class."
"This semester is going to be about the cool parts of chemistry. I'll explain the science, don't worry, but most of it is going to be about actions, reactions, and getting things to happen. For that reason, we're going to go kind of fast, but if you need more explanation, let me know and I'll slow down. We aren't in the danger shop most weeks, and we'll be playing with a lot of things that can get you hurt. I'm not your mom, I'm not going to chase you down and force you to wear goggles and gloves -- though I recommend it -- but don't be stupid. If I tell you to quit doing what you're doing, quit it. You put the rest of the class in danger, you get detention. That's my one big rule." He would come up with smaller ones if he had to.
"This week, and I know this is old hat for some of you, we're making soap. Technically" -- he grinned -- "we are creating the alkali salt of a fatty acid." He went through a
thumbnail lecture on the science of that. "If you've done it before, try to do it better, or add scents or herbs this time."
"Miss Yamanaka, please see me after class." His tone on that was pointed. "And I need at least one TA, if anybody's up for it."
"But first, introductions. Name, grade, why you're here, and who you would fight if you could fight anyone, living or dead, fictional people included." He jabbed his finger randomly toward a student. "You first."
[OOC: No, this wasn't just in the wrong journal. *handwaves*]